formstrap is an online tool for creating dynamic, responsive, standards-compliant and accessible forms compatible with Bootstrap 5.3.
Drag and drop fields to build a form in a Bootstrap responsive grid.
Please note that this version of formstrap is an open beta release. If runtime errors occur, a pop-up form will appear. Please complete it so errors can be fixed. If you enounter other problems, please use the feedback link on the About popup.
You can create forms that use the full range of HTML5 input types and attributes.
Add multiple pages to forms to reduce scrolling and to break large forms up into manageable sections.
Set up client-side form validation rules and custom validation error messages.
Create form events that are triggered by user input. For example: on a job application form you could hide job history questions if the user states that they haven't had a job yet.
Create "replicable" containers. For example: create one set of fields for an educational qualification and then let the user replicate the set for each of their qualifications, however many they have.
Registration is not required. You can create one form at a time and download it for "self-hosting" for free without signing up. Everything is provided except the server-side script to process the form data and the success/failure redirect pages.
Choose a button below to get started. The Demo Form is an example job application form. The Sampler Form demonstrates all the features of formstrap with annotations.
If you register formstrap will host your form and process and store responses (in our UK data center). There is a small per-form, per-day fee for this service but you only pay for days on which your forms are live.
Registered users can:
Manage, edit and host multiple forms on formstrap at the same time.
Choose a relevant formstrap top-level domain and specify a custom "folder name" for friendly form URLs.
Set a schedule for each form (e.g. for a job application form set it to not be available after the closing date).
Set up hybrid encryption to protect your data on the server. The data can only be viewed with the private key.
Download responses as PDFs, Excel or CSV files.
Monitor form usage statistics.
Enable Google reCAPTCHA v3 on hosted forms to prevent automated/bot submissions (Google Developer Account not required).
Limit access to forms by IP ranges, referring page or email invite.
Automatically send similarly formatted PDF versions of forms on submission (e.g. to the person completing the form or, if a job application form, directly to the HR department). You can "redact" form sections from the PDF. This is useful in a job application where you may not want the shortlisting panel to see equalities information.