This API was created for the formstrap form editor to allow user-selection of icons for input fields utilising Bootstrap input-group addons.
formstrap is a WYSIWYG editor for creating complex, dynamic, responsive and standards compliant online forms compatible with Bootstrap 5.3.
You can use the API service to implement icon search in your own application. Search for Bootstrap Icons by name, category, class or tag. Retrieve full metadata in JSON format including icon HTML code, SVG code, class names, tags, categories and icon titles.
The service is an open API. It is rate-limited (by the IP address of the requesting device). 150 requests per hour. This will be kept under review.
Currently serving Bootstrap Icons Version: v1.11.3.
property: search search string (see Search and Advanced Search tips)
By default, search matches whole words and will find icons matching any or all keywords.
Advanced Search TipsDo you find this service useful? Optionally a small contribution to running costs. Thank you
Do you have feedback, questions or suggestions? Visit the formstrap About page and click the feedback link.
Give it a try!
Run a search by entering a search string below. You'll see the results in a table - scroll down for code samples and the JSON response
Icon | Category | Title | Class | Code | Tags | HTML | SVG |
$.ajax( { method:"POST", url:"", data:{"search":"organi_ation"}, dataType:"json" }).done(function(response) { if(response.responseCode==200) { // PROCESS THE RESPONSE } else { // THERE WAS AN ERROR console.log(response.responseCode + ":" + response.responseVerbose); } }).fail(function(e) { // THE REQUEST FAILED console.log(e) });