formstrap : Section Columns

This video demonstrates the creation of form Sections Columns within Sections on a formstrap form.

Sections Columns allow the you to create complex form layouts.

The video goes through each of the fields of the Section Column metadata and shows how changes to these are reflected on the form.

This includes:

  • All Forms
    • A friendly ID for the Section Column - this allows you to easy reference the form in user initiated form events
    • Group - this allows you to apply user initiated form events to any element that have the same group name
    • The title of the Section Column shown on the form as a <h3> heading
    • The description of the Section Column. Allow you to provide instructions or context to users completing the form
    • Initial visibility - you can set the Section Column to not visible and then make it visible in response to user initiated events
    • Replicability - if set to yes the user can create copies of the Section Column and thereby provide multiple responses to form question in that Section Column
    • Enclose in a card - allows you to style the Section Column using a Bootstrap card and colour scheme
    • The padding within the Section Column
    • The width of the Section Column using Bootstrap breakpoints for responsive design