This form uses Google reCAPTCHA to protect against malicious/automated submissions.
Google will store cookies on your device to deliver the reCAPTCHA service. You can access Google's privacy policy by clicking on the reCAPTCHA logo that will appear at the bottom right hand corner of your browser.
As you enter data into this form, it is saved to your browser's application local storage. It is not stored as a cookie or sent to formstrap. The purpose of this is to remember your progress in a form so you can close the browser and come back later to finish.
You can opt out of this by using the switch at the bottom of the form.
When you submit the form, the data is sent securely to the formstrap server where it is stored in an electronic database. The server is housed in a UK based data-centre and backed-up to a UK based encrypted back-up service.
As this is a demonstration form, the data will periodically be deleted. There is no expectation that real personal data will be input into this form.
As part of the demonstration, this form makes use of the formstrap's "form-to-pdf" function. When you submit the form, you will receive a PDF version of the form to the email address you enter on the form. If you want to see this PDF, you will need to provide a valid email address.
If you have any questions about this demonstration form, this privacy policy or about formstrap in general, please use the feedback link on the About Us page .